Extras: A Quick Aside, April 13 2023

I've kicked off a new (ish) bonus vlog series called "A Quick Aside," exclusive to patrons and paid subscribers of Stuff Keeps Happening. This is a sorta behind-the-scenes series mixed with general outlooks, upcoming plan previews, etc.

Hello there, dear readers!

I've kicked off a new (ish) vlog series called "A Quick Aside," exclusive to patrons and paid subscribers of Stuff Keeps Happening. This is a sorta behind-the-scenes series mixed with general outlooks, upcoming plan previews, etc.

The format is certainly going to be in flux, with this first installment just being a sort of walk-and-talk thing. I intend to show off more of my process, tips about navigating the wild space that is the INTERNET and whatnot.

If you're a free subscriber to Stuff Keeps Happening, worry not. I will not be putting significantly noteworthy updates behind a paywall. But for those who are directly supporting my work, I want to bring you a bit further in on the process and goings-ons as a show of thanks.

Thanks to everyone who has been so incredibly supportive. I hope to make Stuff Keeps Happening continue to be a place where people can feel welcome and safe in a world that is increasingly... not so much that.

Take care and be well. Find the first Quick Aside below...