Extras: "Basically A Cult"

Wondering why tech bros are so loud? Wondering why massive tech CEOs have the wildest takes? Let's take a bit to chat about that.

Hello, dear reader!

I have another Quick Aside for ya. As a reminder, this series is for paid subscribers / Patreon folks / etc, so if you've been enjoying my content and have a few bucks to send my way, I'd thoroughly appreciate your support!

Regardless, just following along with my work is all I can really ask for, so thank you regardless.


Turns out there is a lot of very weird, very cult-y shit going on at the higher levels of the Tech industry. While this video is not a solid report or a whistle blow or anything, I wanted to chat a bit about this semi-open secret and why we keep seeing some of the wildest takes coming out of Silicon Valley.

I hope you enjoy the video, and I'll be back tomorrow with more Stuff Keeps Happening.