Cops are doing a lot of things but not a lot of it is good things. Chevron buys back a lot of stock because thats what cool cats do.

COPS. Lots of cop stuff.

Memphis is about to go hard. After five cops seemingly tortured and murdered a man after a traffic stop, the chief of police said the footage was super bad. It's going to be released tonight and they've asked people to be peaceful lol


Also, cops in Atlanta want to build a cop larping facility where there currently exists a community green space. They also murdered a protestor there and so thats not helping. Governor has invoked a state of emergency and called in the national guard.


Chevron does a $75 Billion stock buyback

Glad we paid those outrageous gas prices; I feel good knowing they get to have another yacht.


Radioactive tic-tac dropped somewhere in Australia

Don't touch it


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